
#KLEY for the education

In partnership with Children of Mékong, we encourage the KLEY community to mobilize and get involved in education and solidarity. Enthusiasm knows no boundaries!

#Follow the movement


Since 1958, Children of Mékong has been working towards the protection and education of underprivileged children. Indeed, youth plays a "KLEY" role in shaping the world of tomorrow. That's why we are thrilled about this partnership, through which more than 5000 young people will be empowered and become active contributors to a more united, engaged, fair, and responsible world.

Guillaume d’Aboville, General manager of Children of Mékong

KLEY for education and solidarity in numbers

Students sensitized throughout France
of the residences participate in the project.
The number of square meters of the ongoing construction of the hostek
The number of individuals who will be going on a field mission to Cambodia
Questions? Don't keep them to yourself!
To learn more about our student residences, our services, your future student accommodation, our prices, reservations or even the colour of the carpet ;-), we're here to answer all your questions!